Hi, readers!
I haven't updated you in over two weeks. I'm sorry about that. Here are a few things that have been going on in December (with some notes on November):
1. I have started finding Beta readers for my first novel, Red Letter Law. I have also made some edits. I am taking a break from querying this month.
2. I'm working on a book called Tethered, which I started during NaNoWriMo.
3. I'm getting into beta reading, editing and critiquing other people's manuscripts. In order to keep everything manageable, I am limiting myself to two total manuscripts at a time, although there are certain specific circumstances that could cause me to make an exception to this rule.
4. Speaking of time management, I have been getting much better at that recently, and I am very thankful. Sometimes, I write a schedule for my tasks. Even if I only schedule a few things at a time, or if there is a change of plans, writing a schedule is very helpful.
I'll update again soon, and thanks for reading!